Personalized Business Support

Your Business is Unique. The Service You Receive Should be Too.


You’ll have a dedicated team who will get to know you and your business so that they can customize their service to your needs, goals, and preferences, in order help you achieve higher profits and your desired results.

We understand you’re busy, and that a smooth ordering process can make all the difference in your success, so our staff is always welcoming, supportive, and committed to serving you with care.


Your NBH product experts will do the research and problem-solving necessary to get your job done right: they’ll find solutions and update you on product applications, making sure you have the optimal tools and processes to make your business as efficient and profitable as possible.


We’ll also use our hardware expertise to make your work go faster by offering specialized services suited to your company’s unique needs, including jobsite-walkthroughs, order staging, machinery maintenance, installation and repair, educational sessions for your staff, and assistance with inventory management. Recommend contractors for installation of products.


We’ll find the right solution for your project—we do not product-push. 

Our products are carefully sourced to provide quality and variety within any budget.

NBH carries woodworking supplies and machines, cabinet hardware, door hardware, space-saving solutions, and kitchen and bath fixtures. Additionally, NBH provides many services to help your business become as efficient and productive as possible. Popular product options are always in stock, and much more is available for special order.